Friday, July 18, 2008


In a Galaxy Far Far Away......... OK, so here is the deal. I am the Credit Jedi. I have been called to protect the innocent from the evil dark side of the credit world. My pen (keyboard) is mightier than the almighty light saber. On my watch, you will be protected from tricky credit card companies, credit scams, outrageous interest rates and fees, ID Theft, mortgage fraud, nasty collection agencies, crooked car salesman and imperial troopers.

The real truth is, I make my living as a "Credit Education Expert" and I plan on sharing my expertise with anyone and everyone. I don't think it is fair that good people get taken advantage of or are treated like second class citizens based on their credit. My goal is to educate all those who want education about everything that is credit. So if this is you, jump in my virtual Millennium Falcon and we'll punch it into warp speed.

Oh, and before you ask, "yes, I have a robot and a tall fury side kick." They will be joining us in future posts.

For questions for the Credit Jedi send an email to:

1 comment:

Sara Boulter said...

You're a bad-ass. Do a jedi-mind trick on me...Go!